Police Response Time and Crime Escalation
Economic Journal, Forthcoming, 2022 (with M. Toger and S. Weisburd)
Craigslist’s Effect on Female Homicides
Journal of Human Resources, Forthcoming, 2021 (with S. Cunningham and J. Tripp)
Not as I do: Hypocrisy Aversion and Optimal Punishment
Research in Experimental Economics, Forthcoming, 2021 (with M. Makowsky and B. McCannon)
The Price of Expungements
International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 65, 2020 (with B. Deffains, R. Espinosa, M. Mungan, R. Romaniuc)
Judicial Elections and Criminal Case Outcomes
Journal of Legal Studies, vol. 49(1), 2020 (with B. McCannon)
⚬ Media Coverage: Citizen-Times USA Today
Peers or Police? Monitoring and Punishment in the Provision of Public Goods
Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 123, 210-227, 2020 (with L. Gee)
Fracking and Risky Sexual Activity
Journal of Health Economics, vol. 72, 2020 (with S. Cunningham and B. Smith)
Intergroup Solidarity and Local Public Goods Provision: An Experiment
Economics of Governance, vol. 20, 285-303, 2019 (with R. Romaniuc, D. Dubois, and B. McCannon)
⚬ Media Coverage: LA Tribune
Political Competition in Judge and Prosecutor Elections
European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 48(2), 167-193, 2019 (with B. McCannon)
Private Security, Piracy and the Provision of International Public Goods
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, vol. 60(1), 77-97, 2020 (with T. Smith)
Psychological Game Theory in Public Choice
Public Choice, vol. 182(1), 159-180, 2020 (with B. McCannon)
The Perils of Democracy
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 175, 328-340, 2018 (with D. Dubois and R. Romaniuc)
Rational Pricing in Prostitution: Evidence from 80M Sex Ads
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, vol. 59(3), 1718-1737, 2019 (with J. Borowitz, M. Cafarella, C. Re, J. Shapiro, and G. Shiffman)
Urban Transport and Crime: Evidence from Unanticipated Mass Transit Strikes
Economic Inquiry, vol. 57(3), 1718-1737, 2018 (with K. Gittings, D. Grossman and U. Khalil)
Interracial Face-to-Face Crimes and the Socioeconomics of Neighborhoods: Evidence from Policing Records
International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 56, 1-13, 2018 (with A. Alves Pena and R. K. Gittings)
Explaining Public Goods Game Contributions with Rational Ability
Games, 9(2), 2018 (with H. Lang and M. Bongard)
Theory of Mind and General Intelligence in Dictator and Ultimatum Games
Games, 9(2), 2018 (with H. Lang and M. Bongard)
Judicial Compensation and Performance
Supreme Court Economic Review, vol. 25, 129-147, 2017 (with B. McCannon)
Police Bias in the Enforcement of Drug Crimes: Evidence from Low Priority Laws
Review of Law and Economics, vol. 14(1), 2018 (with K. Gittings and A. Ross)
Examining Regulatory Capture with High Frequency Data
Contemporary Economic Policy, vol. 36(1), 183-191, 2018 (with A. Nowak and I. Reimers)
⚬ Media Coverage: Boston Globe
Law and Economics in the Laboratory
Oxford Handbook for Behavioral Law and Economics, 2018 (with G. Charness)
Learning the Ropes: General Experience, Task-Specific Experience, and the Output of Police Officers
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 142, 368-377, 2017 (with E. Owens)
Are Public and Private Enforcement Complements or Substitutes? Evidence from High Frequency Data
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 141, 151-163, 2017 (with B. Humphreys and I. Reimers)
⚬ Media Coverage: Sports Illustrated
Penalty Structures and Deterrence in a Two-Stage Model: Experimental Evidence
Economic Inquiry, vol. 55(4), 1833-1867, 2017 (with L. Anderson, W. Emons, B. Freeborn, H. Lang)
Theory of Mind Predicts Cooperative Behavior
Economic Letters, vol. 155, 1-4, 2017 (with B. McCannon)
Is social choice gender-neutral? Reference Dependence and Sexual Selection in Decisions Toward Risk and Inequality
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, vol. 52(3), 191-211, 2016 (with S. Beckman, W. J. Smith and N. Wang)
Public Outcry and Police Behavior
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, vol. 16(2), 619-645, 2016 (with B. McCannon)
Dictator monopolies and essential goods: experimental evidence
Applied Economics, vol. 47(59), 6461-6478, 2015 (with S. Beckman and W. J. Smith)
Life and Death in the Fast Lane: Police Enforcement and Traffic Fatalities
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, vol. 6(2), 231-257, 2014 (with B. Hansen)
⚬ Media Coverage: Freakonomics, The New Yorker, The Oregonian
Crime Rates and Police Efficiency
Eastern Economic Journal, vol. 40, 535-559, 2014 (with H. Lang and D. Vitaliano)
Deterability by Age
International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 36, 70-81, 2013 (with S. Bushway and B. Hansen)
The importance of risk tolerance and knowledge when considering the evolution of inequity responses across the primates
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 90, S105-S112, 2013 (with S. Brosnan)
Experiments on horizontal mergers: Does size matter?
Economics Letters, vol. 117(3), 537-539, 2012 (with S. Beckman and W.J. Smith)
Deterrence, Expected Cost, Uncertainty and Voting: Experimental Evidence
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty , vol. 44(1), 73-100, 2012 (with G. Charness)
Goods allocation by queuing and the occurrence of violence: A probabilistic analysis
International Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 24, 1-7, 2012 (with A. Batabyal)
Making space for crime: A spatial analysis of criminal competition
Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 42(1-2), 42-51, 2012
Those crazy transaction costs: on the irrelevance of the equivalence between monetary damages and specific performance
European Journal of Law and Economics. 2012 (with S. Medema)